
ET CETERA /ˌet ˈsetərə/ /ˌɪt ˈsetərə/ (n).

# Etc. Used after a list to show that there are other things that you could have mentioned.

AND SO ON (idiom).

# [Also AND SO FORTH] Used at the end of a list to show that it continues in the same way.

We discussed everything - When to go, what to see and so on (or and so forth). 

SUCHLIKE /ˈsʌtʃlaɪk/;

# (determiner) other similar.

Food, drink, clothing and suchlike provisions.

# (pronoun) the types of things mentioned.

You could buy brushes, paint, varnish and suchlike there.

... AND SUCH (idiom).

# And similar things or people.

The centre offers activities like canoeing and sailing and such.

SUCH AND SUCH /ˈsʌtʃ ən sʌtʃ/ (determiner).

# Used to refer to something that you do not want to name or say exactly.

If they tell you to arrive at such and such a time, just get there a couple of minutes early.

AS SUCH (idiom).

# As the word is usually understood; in the exact sense of the word.

The new job is not a promotion as such, but it has good prospects.

"Well, did they offer it to you?" "No, not as such, but they said I had a good chance".

SUCH AS (idiom).

# For example.

>>> See more at: Including

# Of a kind that; like.

Opportunities such as this did not come every day.


DITTO /ˈdɪtəʊ/;

# (adv) Used to agree with something that has just been said, or to avoid repeating something that has been said; as said before; similarly.

"I hate reality TV shows" - "Ditto."

Local residents are opposed to the proposal. Ditto many members of the city council (= they are also opposed).

It rained Saturday and it rained Sunday. Ditto Monday. 

AKIN /əˈkɪn/ (adj).

# ​To be akin to something: similar to something.

What he felt was more akin to pity than love.

She was wearing something akin to a pineapple on her head.

This game is closely akin to hockey.

ALIKE /əˈlaɪk/ (adv).

# (idiom) In a very similar way.

They tried to treat all their children alike.

# (idiom) Used after you have referred to two people or groups, to mean "both" or "equally".

Good management benefits employers and employees alike.

# (idiom) Great minds think alike: ​(informal, humorous) used to say that you and another person must both be very clever because you have had the same idea or agree about something.

# (idiom) Share and share alike: ​(saying) used to say that everyone should share things equally and in a fair way.

# (adj) [not before noun] Very similar.

My sister and I do not look alike.

Airports are all alike to me.

Though John and Andrew look exactly alike, they act quite differently.















proposition /ˌprɒpəˈzɪʃn/ (n): 

# a thing that you intend to do; a problem, task or person to be dealt with.

SYNONYM matter;

Getting a work permit in the UK is not always a simple proposition.



whatsit /ˈwʌtsɪt/ (n):

# (especially British English, informal) ​used when you cannot think of the word or name you want, or do not want to use a particular word.

I've got to make a whatsit for the party. That's it - a flan.

allusion /əˈluːʒn/ (n):

# [countable, uncountable] (formal) ​allusion (to somebody/something) l something that is said or written that refers to or mentions another person or subject in an indirect way (= alludes to it).