INEVITABLE /ɪnˈevɪtəbl/ (adj):
# That you cannot avoid or prevent.
SYNONYM: Unavoidable;
- It was an inevitable consequence of the decision.
- It was inevitable that there would be job losses.
- A rise in the interest rates seems inevitable.
# The inevitable noun [singular]: something that is certain to happen.
- You have to accept the inevitable.
- The inevitable happened - I forgot my passport.
NECESSARILY /ˌnesəˈserəli/ (adv):
# Used to say that something cannot be avoided.
- The number of places available is necessarily limited.
- Servants necessarily had close contact with their employers.
STALL /stɔːl/ (v):
# [intransitive] stall (on/over something): to try to avoid doing something or answering a question so that you have more time.
They are still stalling on the deal.
‘What do you mean?’ she asked, stalling for time.
The opposition party was angered by the Prime Minister’s stalling tactics.
He asked them all kinds of pointless questions, stalling for time.