CORONAVIRUS /kəˈrəʊnəvaɪrəs/ (n):

# A type of virus that can cause pneumonia and other diseases in humans and animals.

- Precautions were taken to try to limit the spread of coronavirus.

PNEUMONIA /nuːˈməʊniə/ (n):

# A serious illness affecting one or both lungs that makes breathing difficult. (Bệnh viêm phổi)

- She died from bronchial pneumonia.

MEASLES /ˈmiːzlz/ (n):

# [uncountable] ​A disease, especially of children, that causes a high temperature and small red spots that cover the whole body. (bệnh sởi)

- All our children have had the measles.

TYPHOID /ˈtaɪfɔɪd/ (n):

(also less frequent typhoid fever)

# [uncountable] A serious disease that causes a high temperature, red spots on the chest and severe pain in the bowels, and sometimes causes death. (bệnh thương hàn)

- A typhoid epidemic.

OBESITY /əʊˈbiːsəti/ (n):

# [uncountable] The quality or fact of being very fat, in a way that is not healthy. (bệnh béo phì)

- Obesity can increase the risk of heart disease.

MALARIA /məˈleriə/ (n):

# [uncountable] A serious disease that causes a high temperature and shivering (= shaking of the body) caused by the bite of some types of mosquito. (bệnh sốt rét)

- An increasing number of malaria cases are reported each year.

- Malaria is transmitted by mosquitoes.

HEPATITIS /ˌhepəˈtaɪtɪs/ (n):

# [uncountable] A serious disease of the liver. There are three main forms: hepatitis A, the least serious, caused by infected food (= containing harmful bacteria), and hepatitis B and hepatitis C, both very serious and caused by infected blood.

- Have you had your hepatitis B vaccination? (Bạn đã tiêm phòng viêm gan B chưa?)

dyshidrosis (n): bệnh tổ đỉa (mụn nước dưới da dưới dạng mảng).

haemorrhoids /ˈhemərɔɪdz/ (n):

# (British English) (North American English hemorrhoids) [plural] (medical) ​veins at or near the anus that have become painful and swollen (= larger than normal); trĩ.

SYNONYM piles;

respire /rɪˈspaɪə(r)/ (v):

# [intransitive] (specialist) ​to breathe.

Terrestrial amphibians respire through their skin.

breathe /briːð/ (v):

# [intransitive, transitive] to take air into your lungs and send it out again through your nose or mouth.

He breathed deeply before speaking again.

The air was so cold we could hardly breathe.

She was beginning to breathe more easily.

He was breathing heavily after his exertions.

breathe something: Most people don't realize that they are breathing polluted air.