One-off /ˌwʌn ˈɔːf/ (n):
# (British English) a thing that is made or that happens only once and not regularly.
- It was just a one-off; it won't happen again.
One-off /ˌwʌn ˈɔːf/ (adj):
# (British English) (North American English one-shot) [only before noun] made or happening only once and not regularly.
- a one-off payment.
At a/ one go | at/ in a single go (idiom):
# (British English) in one single attempt or try.
- She blew out the candles at one go.
Disposable /dɪˈspəʊzəbl/ (adj):
# [usually before noun] made to be thrown away after use.
- disposable gloves /razors.
- (British English) disposable nappies.
- (North American English) disposable diapers.
>>> at a (single) glance (idiom):
# immediately; with only a quick look.
- She is able to take in complex information at a single glance.
lump sum /ˌlʌmp ˈsʌm/ (n):
# (also lump sum payment) an amount of money that is paid at one time and not on separate occasions.
She was given a lump sum when she retired.
solely /ˈsəʊlli/ (adv):
# only; not involving somebody/ something else.
She was motivated solely by self-interest.
Selection is based solely on merit.
He became solely responsible for the firm.
sole /səʊl/ (adj):
# [only before noun] only; single.
the sole surviving member of the family
My sole reason for coming here was to see you.
This is the sole means of access to the building.
# belonging to one person or group; not shared.
She has sole responsibility for the project.
the sole owner
We may have the opportunity to take over sole ownership of the company.