
live in sin (idiom):

# (old-fashioned or humorous) to live together and have a sexual relationship without being married.

allure /əˈlʊərɪŋ/ (adj):

# the quality of being attractive and exciting

solicitation (noun):


# (especially North American English) the act of asking somebody for something, such as support, money or information; the act of trying to get something or persuading somebody to do something.

# the act of offering to have sex with people in return for money.

solicit (verb):


# [transitive, intransitive] (formal) to ask somebody for something, such as support, money or information; to try to get something or persuade somebody to do something.

# [intransitive, transitive] solicit (somebody): to offer to have sex with people in return for money.

permissive (adjective):


# allowing or showing a freedom of behaviour that many people do not approve of, especially in sexual matters.

# the permissive society /ðə pəˌmɪsɪv səˈsaɪəti/ (n): [singular] (often disapproving) ​the changes towards greater freedom in attitudes and behaviour that happened in many countries in the 1960s and 1970s, especially the greater freedom in sexual matters.

permissiveness (noun):


# the fact of allowing or showing a freedom of behaviour that many people do not approve of, especially in sexual matters.


