Nibble /ˈnɪbl/ (n):
# [countable] a small bite of something, especially food.
- I took a nibble from the biscuit.
- Somebody’s had a nibble at this biscuit!
- I took a little nibble from one of the sandwiches.
Gnaw /nɔ:/ (v):
# [transitive, intransitive] to keep biting something; gặm.
- gnaw something: The dog was gnawing a bone.
- gnaw through something: Rats had gnawed through the cable.
- gnaw at/ on something: She gnawed at her fingernails.
- gnaw away at/ on something (figurative): Self-doubt began to gnaw away at her confidence.
Chew /tʃu:/ : nhai
Bite /bait/ : cắn
Swallow /’swɔlou/ : nuốt
Nibble /’nibl/ : gặm nhắm
Bolt /boult/ : nuốt chửng
Munch /mʌntʃ/ : nhai tóp tép
Lick /lik/ : liếm (kem)
Suck /sʌk/ : hút (nước)
Suck (2) /sʌk/ : ngậm (kẹo)
Sip /sip/ : uống từng hớp (đồ nóng)
Quaff /kwɑ:f/ : uống cạn trong một hơi
Spit /spit/ : nhổ, phun
Nurse /nə:s/ : uống chậm, nhâm nhi
Taste /teist/ : vị, vị giác
Digest /’daidʤest / : tiêu hóa
Overeat /’ouvər’i:t/ : ăn quá nhiều
grab some coffee