[1] Mist:

- The hills were shrouded in mist. (Những ngọn đồi bị bao phủ trong sương mù.)

- Early morning mist patches will soon clear. (Những mảng sương sớm sẽ sớm tan.)

[1] Marsh:

- Cows were grazing on the marshes. (Những chú bò đang gặm cỏ trên đầm lầy.)

- After so much rain, the field had become a marsh (= a very wet area).

- The land is colonized by various types of marsh vegetation. (Vùng đất này là thuộc địa của nhiều loại thảm thực vật đầm lầy.)

gentility noun


the fact of being quiet and old-fashioned

the faded gentility of the town

MIST /mɪst/ (n):

1. [countable, uncountable] A cloud of very small drops of water in the air just above the ground, that make it difficult to see. Mist is less thick than fog.

MARSH /mɑːrʃ/ (n):

1. [countable, uncountable] An area of low land that is always soft and wet because there is nowhere for the water to flow away to.

SALT MARSH /ˈsɔːlt mɑːrʃ/ (n) (also salt meadow): 

​1. An area of open land near a coast that is regularly flooded with water from the sea. 


scenic /ˈsiːnɪk/ (adj):

# ​[usually before noun] having beautiful natural scenery.

an area of scenic beauty

They took the scenic route back to the hotel.

We found a nice scenic spot for lunch.

There are seven miles of scenic drives with river walks and panoramic views.